Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive?

A: Please allow 2 weeks for processing prior to shipping. Stickers and postcard prints are sent via stamped envelope, so delivery times will vary depending on distance. Giclee Prints are sent tracked in a box or rigid mailer, and should arrive domestically within 3-5 days of shipment.

Q: What kind of paint do you use?

A: I use mostly Turner Acryl gouache, and some Holbein Acryla gouache, as well as some Himi jelly gouache by Miya.

Q: I made an error in my address. Can this be fixed?

A: Provided I haven't mailed your order out, I can fix it for you! Send me a message via the contact page with your order info and the correct address. If I've already mailed your art out, I will have to wait for the return mail and re-send. Contact me if you have any questions!

Q: Can my package be expedited?

A: I do not currently offer any expedited mail services!

Q: Do you take commissions for custom work?

A: I do very occasionally, but not currently. Commission openings will be announced via my social medias.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!! I'm very open to chatting about gouache (and any materials, shop logistics, manufacturers, etc) with fellow artists, beginners and old hats alike.